Public Funding

ERA-net, FP7, eco-innovera, LIFE, IMI…

Each year, The European commission and the regions invest hundred of millions euro to improve the competitiveness of companies and to develop innovative projects.

Inipi helps you find, at European, national or regional level, which type of funding best suits your needs and apply for it.

Our pragmatic approach helps you maximize your chance of success, while minimizing your risks:

  • Project analysis: We carefully consider your requirement to understand what is at stake and define the scope. We will then tell you if your project can reasonably be financed with public funds.
  • Subsidies selection: In the broad range of public funding programs (Europe, Regions) we will tell you which subsidies are available, at which conditions and how much you could get.
  • Application: We will build and structure your application file in a way that emphasizes your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.
  • Filing application: We present your file and negotiate with the competent authorities every decisive criteria : financial, technical, human resources, planning…
  • Reporting: We help you making your regular reporting during the project to the authorities.
We are keenly aware of your financial pressures, so our business model is mainly based on « success fees ».

Would you also want to benefit from those public funding?

Please feel free to contact us.