International Marketing

Europe and China are the biggest markets in the world and offer great business opportunities.

Inipi helps you identify the most promising market segments and to efficiently position your company.

To reap those opportunities, inipi offers a range of service to best meet your requirements. Keenly aware of your financials pressures, our approach is pragmatic and efficient, based on factual analysis and proven methodologies.

Good to know? inipi is officially recognized by the regional public authorities, giving you rights to subsidies to finance our missions.

Global Diagnostic

The global diagnostic gives you a clear and accurate vision on your current situation. It identifies your strengths and weaknesses and helps you define your best growth scenarios.

Goal : To clearly define your challenges to build the most suitable growth plans.

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy is based on factual analysis to identify the most profitable markets and to define your segmentation criteria (geography, potential volume, consumption habit, competition,…).

Goal: To select the most promising countries or regions, to define a unique positioning and to define the ideal clients.


The communication strategy takes into account the culture, the habits of your targets and is tailored to your needs and available resources. It translates your positioning into a clear message and a structured plan.

Goal : To define the most efficient channels and the briefing for your suppliers (communication agencies, web agencies,…).


The sales strategy defines the sales channels that would best serve your objectives depending on your resources. It defines the commercial tactic, price policy, sales pitch and a list of prospects that would maximize your chance of success.

Goal : To quickly implement your action plan and gain tangible results.

Would you like to know how we can help you ?

Please feel free to contact us.